Middle School
Grades 6 - 8
Middle School at EWS
An exceptional curriculum provides our older students with a well-rounded, classical education and a strong foundation for creative, conceptual and abstract thinking. Experiential learning is still key in these years as we continue to integrate the arts, humanities and sciences to nurture the growing strengths of each child. We set high standards for ourselves and our students. They learn to think critically, create and work hard. Though we engage our students rigorously, it is done within a warm and respectful community which provides a safe place for the transformative experience of early adolescence.
Waldorf teachers emphasize internal motivation and multiple types of intelligence over test results. Our students learn to think creatively, feel empathetically and work actively. They develop resilience and gain respect for themselves and others. As the class grows as a community, students learn how to collaborate, communicate and work with diverse individuals—critical skills for the future.