Upcoming Events

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

May Faire Meeting
Join us in planning our beloved May Faire! Meetings are held every Tuesday (with the exception of March 25th and April 1st) until the May Faire.

Parent/Caregiver Education Event - Early Child Development
Beth Daly, Waldorf teacher and Early Childhood Coordinator for WTEE (Waldorf Teacher Education Eugene) will speak about child development from ages 0-7 years old, emphasizing pivotal developmental times in a child’s life. There will be time for questions and answers.

Open House!
Invite your friends and neighbors to our EWS Open House! This is a chance for interested families to tour the school, meet teachers and ask questions.

Windows on Waldorf Tour
Wonder what happens in a grades classroom? Here’s your chance for a peek. Open to current and potential families. Adults only. Space is limited. To sign up, email Theresa at theresa.bergman@eugenewaldorf.org

May Faire Meeting
Join us in planning our beloved May Faire! Meetings are held every Tuesday (with the exception of March 25th and April 1st) until the May Faire.

Parent Collective Meeting
All EWS parents (and, grandparents) are welcome!
The Parent Collective meets every third Thursday of the month during the school year (with the exception of December when we will be meeting on 12/10 at 3:15pm and February when we will be meeting 2/2 at 8:30am) in the main building.

Beautification Day
Hosted by the Site Committee and Maestra Cricket. Join in the fun and work of keeping our campus beautiful!

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

May Faire Meeting
Join us in planning our beloved May Faire! Meetings are held every Tuesday (with the exception of March 25th and April 1st) until the May Faire.

Parent/Caregiver Education Evening - Child Development (ages 7-14)
We will explore this topic with Erika Finstad, WTEE Grades Coordinator. Erika will speak about the stages of child development during grade school years including pivotal moments around ages 9 and 12. There will be time for questions and answers.

Community Cafe1
Please join us for a warm beverage and delicious treat. April’s Community Cafe will be hosted by Grade 2 and Lilypad families.

May Faire Meeting
Join us in planning our beloved May Faire! Meetings are held every Tuesday (with the exception of March 25th and April 1st) until the May Faire.

Parent/Caregiver Education Event - Considering the Role of Media in our Children's Lives
Jason Yates, WTEE School Director will speak about the nature of digital/screen media, some of it's effects and its impact on the developing child. One-hour lecture followed by a thirty-minute opportunity for questions, answers and conversation.

Windows on Waldorf Tour
Wonder what happens in a grades classroom? Here’s your chance for a peek. Open to current and potential families. Adults only. Space is limited. To sign up, email Theresa at theresa.bergman@eugenewaldorf.org

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

Parent Collective Meeting
All EWS parents (and, grandparents) are welcome!
The Parent Collective meets every third Thursday of the month during the school year (with the exception of December when we will be meeting on 12/10 at 3:15pm and February when we will be meeting 2/2 at 8:30am) in the main building.

Community Cafe!
Please join us for a warm beverage and delicious treat. Our last Community Cafe of the school year will be hosted by Grade 1 families.

Cello & Piano Recital/Fundraiser for EWS!
A musical experience to touch the soul. Christoph Wagner, an internationally acclaimed German cellist and Joanne Kong, student of Victor Steinhardt, former Eugene Symphony and Oregon Mozart Players Pianist, Doctor in Music will perform for the benefit of Eugene Waldorf School! This is a beloved family friendly event.

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

First Day of School! (Early Childhood)
First Day of School for Preschool and Kindergarten.

Community Cafe!
Please join us for a warm beverage and delicious treat before our Spring Assembly. March’s Community Cafe will be hosted by Grade 3 and Sunflower families.

Parent Collective Meeting
All EWS parents (and, grandparents) are welcome!
The Parent Collective meets every third Thursday of the month during the school year (with the exception of December when we will be meeting on 12/10 at 3:15pm and February when we will be meeting 2/2 at 8:30am) in the main building.

May Faire Meeting
Join us in planning our beloved May Faire! Meetings are held every Tuesday (with the exception of March 25th and April 1st) until the May Faire.

Open House!
Invite your friends and neighbors to our EWS Open House! This is a chance for interested families to tour the school, meet teachers and ask questions.

May Faire Meeting
Join us in planning our beloved May Faire! Meetings are held every Tuesday (with the exception of March 25th and April 1st) until the May Faire.

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

First Grade Readiness
You are invited to a Meet the Teacher evening hosted by the College of Teachers in the Grade One classroom on Tuesday, March 4 from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Ms. Bosch-Fahl will share more about herself and her picture of moving together into the grades life of the school. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers as you begin the process of getting to know one another and forming the vessel for this class. Childcare is provided.

Community Cafe!
Please join us for a warm beverage and delicious treat. February’s Community Cafe will be hosted by Grade 4 and Rose families.

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

Funds Development Committee Meeting
If you’ve ever had an interest in supporting fundraising for EWS, you’re welcome at our funds development committee meetings!

Open House!
Invite your friends and neighbors to our EWS Open House! This is a chance for interested families to tour the school, meet teachers and ask questions.

Parent Collective Meeting
All EWS parents (and, grandparents) are welcome!
The Parent Collective meets every third Thursday of the month during the school year (with the exception of December when we will be meeting on 12/10 at 3:15pm and February when we will be meeting 2/2 at 8:30am) in the main building.

Community Cafe
Please join us for a warm beverage and delicious treat. January’s Community Cafe will be hosted by Grade 5 families.

Parent Collective Meeting
All EWS parents (and, grandparents) are welcome!
The Parent Collective meets every third Thursday of the month during the school year (with the exception of December when we will be meeting on 12/10 at 3:15pm and February when we will be meeting 2/2 at 8:30am) in the main building.

Shepherds' Play
The Shepherds’ Play is a tradition in many Waldorf schools. The play originated in the middle ages and was brought to Waldorf schools by Rudolf Steiner. The play is focused around the birth of Jesus, the shepherds’ simple lives and the innkeepers’ practical interests. The Shepherds’ play celebrates new beginnings with humor and song interwoven throughout. The play is performed by members of the faculty and staff as well as local friends of EWS.

Grades Early Release - No Robin's Nest
Grades - early release (12:35pm). Early Childhood classes release at normal time. Please note there will be no Robin’s Nest this afternoon.
Have a lovely winter break!