The Administrative Team

Each member of the Administrative Team holds a key role in the life of the school and is entrusted to create a supportive environment for teaching and related activities. A positive and professional attitude toward the children, parents, faculty, and the board is the basis of the team’s work. Each carries an attitude of grateful service, love for the school, grounded and mature receptivity, and compassionate objectivity through all responsibilities and interactions with the school community and with colleagues.

Administrative Team members share the responsibility to maintain a consistent presence on the board, college, and parent council as well as serve on board and administrative committees. While the Administrative Team is a working group of peers where none have the unilateral responsibility for hiring or dismissal, the business manager carries out responsibilities in the area of her/his expertise and acts as an administrative coordinator for the team.

The Administrative Team meets weekly to confer and to craft, propose and implement policies pertaining to the day-to-day administration of the school.

Current Administrative Team

-Nicole Morrison: Business Manager

-Sara Spahn: Office & Communications Manager

-Jill Keller: Accountant

-Atta Turck: Site Coordinator

-Theresa Bergman: Enrollment Coordinator

-Desirea Stott Rodgers: Administrative Assistant


Board of Trustees


Parent Collective